Notes from A/Vian about our upcoming events, technology reviews and more.
Upcoming Events
TBD- We’re working with hosting organizations to establish dates. Please check back.
We’re always seeking organizations interested in hosting 3-day Hands-on Bioacoustic Workshops. Contact Us.
TBD- We’ve had a busy year but hope to add some fun talks soon.
Articles from A/Vian
Confessor and Braggart – Our new Bioacoustic Analysis PC Build
I describe: the components of the new A/Vian Eco Bioacoustic Analysis PC. the rationale behind each selected component from a bioacoustics perspective. a challenging benchmark using KailedescopePro’s cluster analysis.
15% Discount for Charitable Foundations
The 15% 2021 discount is a part of our broader affordability strategy. We are striving to serve all sectors so the mission statement of "better data collection for conservation decisions" can be for everyone.
Columbia Mountain Institute- Intro to Wildlife Biology
The course described below has passed, but here's the link to the April 2024 course: We heard your requests BC bios! Tyne will be running a 3-day Introduction to Wildlife Bioacoustics course through Columbia Mountain Institute in Revelstoke BC [...]
Portage College: Bioacoustics-101
Tyne is offering a 3-day course in bioacoustics to the students of Portage College in Lac La Biche. Course dates are April 9-11, 2019. Limited community spots are still available, use email: to contact us for more details.
ASPB Wildlife Bioacoustics
Tyne is offering a 3-day course in bioacoustics through the Alberta Society of Professional Biologists Mondays February 25, March 4 and March 11, 2019. There are limited seats left! If you're interested please follow the link below for more information [...]